The story behind Resurgo...
Resurgō is a Latin word that roughly translates to "I rise again." One small phrase that sparks motivation in our everyday lives. It is our goal to create a brand that inspires people to get back up and keep moving forward through the power of caffeine. After stumbling upon the world of private label coffee, Resurgo Coffee was founded as a mother/son team with dreams of creating a household name that reminds people to wake up and move mountains. Our names are Tina and Casey, and we look forward to becoming the best way to start your day.
Our Vision
To establish a resilient and empowering brand that uplifts us in the face of adversity, providing strength and support when life's challenges try to bring us down.
Our Mission
To deliver premium coffee products to our valued customers while fostering a lifestyle that champions mental fortitude and determination, accompanied by the enjoyment of a delicious cup of coffee.
Meet Casey
"I was born and raised in Idaho. I attended high school in Nampa and ended up going to Boise State for my Bachelor's degree. Following college I made a decision to attend the US Army's Officer Candidate School. In the middle of OCS, I had the privilege of marrying the love of my life, Brooke. Following the completion of my training, Brooke and I found ourselves at Joint Base Lewis-McChord from 2018 through 2021. Upon completion of my initial contract, we wanted to get back to Idaho, where I decided to join the Idaho Army National Guard where I am still serving. My hobbies include woodworking, camping, swimming, hiking, and weight lifting. I wanted to start this company because I love coffee (obviously) and have a passioin for business and helping people. This company gives me a platform to spread the message that I want to spread to as many people as I possibly can, while also providing high quality coffee!"
Meet Tina
"I was born in Madrid, Spain. My dad was in the Air Force, so we moved around quite a bit. I attended high school in Twin Falls, Idaho, but I have lived in Spain, New York, Texas, Montana, and Hawaii. I am now in Nampa with my husband, Doug. I have two kids, Elaina and Casey, and five wonderful grandchildren. I have spent my career in the mortgage industry here in Idaho. I have a passion for horses, being outdoors, and spending time with loved ones. I had the desire to start this company with my son to spread some amazing coffee around the nation while paying homage to our beautiful home state through our blend names after some of the gorgeous mountain ranges we have to offer."